Monday, March 11, 2013

HP iPAQ rw6828 - Multimedia Messenger driver and firmware

Issue: I need HP iPAQ rw6828 USB Windows Modem Driver

HP iPAQ rw6828 Multimedia Messenger
HP iPAQ rw6828 Multimedia Messenger

I came across an issue where I need to find the USB Windows Modem Driver for the HP iPAQ rw6828 Multimedia Messenger. The iPAQ works well with GPRS but if you connect the iPAQ to use as a modem by connecting to your Notebook/Desktop, Windows ask for the USB Windows Modem Driver. Windows is unable to find this Driver hence the HP iPAQ rw6828 will not work!!

I have checked the specification of the HP iPAQ rw6800 Multimedia Messenger Series and I find that it does have the option of Modem Link which will allow you to use the HP iPAQ as a modem to wirelessly connect a notebook PC to the Internet.

Specification link for HP iPAQ rw6800 Multimedia Messenger Series
At first you need to setup the the Modem Link connection:
1. On the Pocket PC, tap Start > Programs > Modem Link icon
2. In the Connection: drop-down box, select USB and tap “Activate” found at the bottom left of the screen

Note: The Modem Link connection disables your ActiveSync connection, so be sure to turn off the Modem Link connection when you are done using it or else you will not be able to sync your Pocket PC.

Now you could try following steps provided in one of the HP forum. Click here to  open the Forum link.

Please read the post by user “astanoid”, posted on Nov 12, 2006 04:37:58. Please note that the driver INF file link provided in the forum is not working now. So you need to download the attachment which is posted by “astanoid”.

If you are confused, check the below provided screenshot to find the attachment link in the forum :)

iPAQ rw6828 Drkiver download link from HP Forum
iPAQ rw6828 Driver download link from HP

USB Windows Modem Driver installation:
I found detailed steps are provided in another web site. So I would rather do not spend much time to explain the installation ;) .

The steps are very clear and easy to understand
1. Click here to find  USB Windows Modem Driver installation steps
2. Once you open the above said link, refer the steps provided in the section titled: “Install the driver to your computer”
3. The steps provided in the above said link web link is for HP IPAQ hw6900, so when you select the driver file, select the driver file you have downloaded from the HP forum :)
4. Once you install the iPAQ as a modem, refer the same link for more information on how to setup and connect to Internet.

Please leave a comment, Cheers

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