Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn Configurations

Configure Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn

Configuration of Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn is the same as we did in Mikrotik Groove A2hn,there  is a new feature in called “Quick Setup” i will explain this feature in this post.
The first and foremost step is to Connect  Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn to your system and turn on the device.
Make sure you have made the PoE connections correctly. Check that you have connected the PoE cable to  Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn and  LAN to your computer.
After connecting all the cables,now its time to discover the device on the Winbox discovery.You can download winbox from here.
Open your winbox and click on the box near Connect Button saying “… ” (Click again and again if it does not discover).
Select the Mac of your device from the list and click on Connect.
Note:Keep the following points in mind before discovering through winbox:
  • Make sure you winbox discovery in not disabled (However it is enabled by default)
  • Make sure your windows firewall is not blocking the winbox discovery
  • Make sure your antivirus is not blocking the winbox discovery

 Configure Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn as access point

The First option in Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn’s interface is the Quick Set.The Quick Set feature allows you to set up your wireless very quickly. Let’s discuss it features
At the top left corner, you can see a drop down menu, you can select the Mode, whether you want it for AP, Bridge or Client
Here I am selecting it to AP as I am configuring it as Access Point
Select your Network name in SSID field,

In frequency,Select any of the 13 frequencies.(This is also called Channel,Use the channel which is not used by others.You can find others channels by clicking on SCAN)
In Band, Set Band to 2Ghz B/G/N.
B mode gives you 11 Mbps throughput.
G mode gives you 54 Mbps throughput.
and N mode gives you 150 Mbps throughput.(N mode will only work if you have channel width 40 Mhz)
Set channel width to 20 Mhz if you want to connect 20Ghz enabled devices like Tl-Wa 500g,But 40Ghz is recomended.(But N mode will not work)
Set channel width to 40 Mhz if you want more throughput.
Select your Country.
Select Configuration mode to bridge
Set your IP address to static so that your can configure it through web interface.
Enter Ip address, Gateway and DNS according to your network scenario.
Router Identity is the name of your Device,whenever you will discover it in DHCP Pool you will see its Identity name.
You can also change it Password from Quick setup.
These are the Settings for Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn’s wireless.The other settings are same as in Mikrotik Groove a2hn.

Security settings for  Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn

Goto Wireless,Click on security profile,Enter a profile name like WPA-2PSK security.
In mode,select Dynamic Keys
I would like to recommend WPA2 PSK security as it is very tight security.

Enter you security keys in WPA2 pre shared key

Enabling internet sharing in  Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn

Now its time to enable internet sharing in  Mikrotik Metal 2SHPn,
First create a bridge which will connect the wlan and ether 1 with one another.

Click on Bridge,and click on + Sign,Click OK

Now click on ports and click on + Sign Select interface to Ether1 and bridge to Bridge1. 

  Again click on ports and click on + Sign Select interface to wlan1 and bridge to Bridge1.
Now click on IP > addresses and give an IP address to your LAN port.
Click on red + sign and enter IP Address select interface to ether1

Now add a default gateway

Goto IP> Routes Click on red + sign and enter in gateway field.

Now set DNS
Click on IP> DNS and click on DNS settings
Enter as primary DNS as Secondary DNS

Click apply and ok

Now its time to test your internet connectivity by connecting through a wireless device.

Mikrotik Metal 2shpn Trouble Shooting

Getting too high ping delay or disconnected due to extensive data loss

Metal 2shpn has a too much high output power which creates some problems like high ping delay or disconnection.You must try lowering  the output power,it creates this problem only to the nearer.Keep in mind, too much high power and too much signals will result in worse performance

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